Nihongo Lesson 04/22/16

Celebrate the return of HUNTER x HUNTER by learning some NIHONGO x NIHONGO!

By John Bae April 22, 2016

Welcome to the Nihongo Lesson feature. We strive to give you useful manga-based Japanese language tips and maybe even a glimpse into the translation process. This week's lesson will feature terms from a manga making its glorious return to the lineup, Hunter x Hunter ! This series is a true classic, and we're all ecstatic to be able to read it once again. If you haven't had the chance to experience the adventures of Gon and his friends, take this opportunity to go hunting!

OUJI (おうじ)

OUJI means "prince," and the current story in Hunter x Hunter is all about the battle between the princes of Kakin to see who can become the next king. The Dark Continent is scary enough, but it looks like some characters aren't even going to make it there alive. In Kakin, it appears that all children of the king are OUJI, no matter their gender. This word isn't normally used that way, even though it does literally mean "child of the king."
Nl Hunter 1

OHIME SAMA (おひめさま)

Although OUJI is being used for both genders in this Hunter x Hunter arc, there's also a princess! OHIME SAMA or HIME SAMA means "princess." Biscuit is one of the best characters in the series, and if you know her secret, you'll understand why she so easily falls for Kurapika's ruse. Hopefully we see more hilarious interactions between these two characters!

Nl Hunter 2

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