Perfect Endings

The Honey So Sweet Series Comes to a Close.

By Nancy Thistlethwaite December 21, 2017

Perfect endings in shojo are really about new beginnings, aren’t they? I’m really glad we get to see a peek into Nao and Taiga’s future in Volume 8.

And my ship sets sail: Misaki and Yashiro. Yashiro is one cool girl. I’m not going to tell you what happens, though! You’ll have to get the volume.

I was really happy we were able to publish this series. And to celebrate, here are some wallpapers for your phone and computer! This was an exclusive image that we got from Japan, so enjoy! (Wallpapers are for personal use only.)

Just click on any of the below images to save to your computer.

Hss Wallpaper 640x960

Hss Wallpaper 1280x800

Hss Wallpaper 1280x1024