Twin Star Exorcists Vol. 1

The latest addition to the SJ library has us working up a sweat with all the "exorcising" going on!

By John Bae August 20, 2015

Ts Ev1 Sealed Fate 1When I was first introduced to Twin Star Exorcists, it was billed to me as "Nisekoi meets Blue Exorcist." Words really couldn't express my reaction. If I were to illustrate it in manga dialogue text, it would be: ... 

Aside from the high school setting, I didn't see how the two would mesh. But mesh it did and quite well to boot. When we begin the story, we're immediately thrown into a flashback scene, an interesting way to start, considering that when most SJ series are introduced, we're given a birds-eye view of the location and then immediately see the main character, usually with his defining trait in full display (i.e. see Naruto wreaking havoc). In fact, quite a few pages pass by before we meet one of the main characters—the capricious Rokuro.

Despite being considered a prodigy as a child, Rokuro wants nothing to do with exorcism. He's bounced around different career ideas, from being a comedian to a famous celebrity, but nothing ever pans out. Rokuro's problem is that he's rather average in most everything, well that is except the one thing he detests the most. In fact, he'd rather be out chasing girls than driving demons out of them, but he stinks at that too!

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Everything changes for Rokuro when he meets a rather untalkative, lost girl who catches his fancy because she's cute. Ever the gallant gentleman, Rokuro decides to help her out, but she ends up being much more than he bargained for. Like Nisekoi, there's much enjoyment to be had over these two bickering like the oddball couple straight out of a 1950s Hollywood romance flick (actually, it's mostly Rokuro complaining while the girl hisses and beats him up).

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In a span of a few chapters, we really get to know Rokuro—from lighthearted comedic moments to the tragic past that drove him away from a career of exorcism. I really like how Rokuro, despite appearing quite simple at first glance, is actually a pretty profound character due to his past. Adding both frivolity and tragedy transforms him from a flat character into a multi-layered personality who is very relatable to readers.

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But that's not to say the beginning of the volume is only focused on character development. There's a good amount of heart-stopping action as well, initiated by Bene Adashino, the lost girl. Since Bene's already a promising Exorcist, she's an honored guest who will be staying at Rokuro's place. And that's not even the biggest surprise to Rokuro, who eventually finds out the true reason why she was sent over. Again, the Nisekoi element comes into play here: The two are destined to marry and have a child who will become the ultimate Exorcist!

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What a great way to start a series! There's action, intrigue, plot and character development, and most important of all, an arranged marriage with teenagers! Do yourself a favor and check out Twin Exorcist , volume 1 available now!

by John Bae