WonderCon 2013 Report!

Hey, we went to WonderCon last weekend. If you missed it, here's what happened.
By April 04, 2013


We sent a couple TEAMJUMP members down to sunny Southern California for the WonderCon convention. We even had a panel, in which we made some announcements and gave some cool stuff away. Here's what you missed! 

Namco Bandai had a sizable booth and were showing off their latest masterpiece, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. There were several professional and non-professional Naruto cosplayers on the scene. This is the famous "Black Goku" (as he describes himself) dressed up as Naruto wearing a Goku outfit. It's a digital costume you get for free when you buy the game new. 

The major announcement of the panel was the Weekly Shonen Jump Newsstand App. If you can't scrape together the full $25.99 for a year subscription, you can buy it monthly for just $2.99. Of course it's cheaper to buy the yearly subscription, and you get the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, but if you can only muster up $2.99 (and trust me, I've been there!), it's a good deal.

Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, we also announced the next one subscribers will get! Put your hands together for...Zubaba General! There is no firm shipping date as of yet, but if you subscribe, you will be getting a visit from Zubaba in the future. 

Of course, we gave away some cool prizes, as well. Several Naruto Shippuden games, a gift certificate to Right Stuf, but the best prize of all was a limited-edition Naruto canvas print! We only gave away three of these, and the audience had to answer some serious Naruto trivia to get one! 


But the coolest part of the panel was when CyberConnect2's head honcho Hiroshi Matsuyama made a guest appearance! In my opinion, his company makes the best Naruto games the world. And his latest, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 is nothing short of a masterpiece. Don't believe me? You can read my review right here


And that's pretty much what happened at WonderCon! Other cons we'll be attending this year are: FanimeCon, Anime Expo and Comic-Con. Hope to see you at one of those. Keep checking the site, or Twitter @shonenjump for our plans as we get nearer to the con dates. 

by Urian Brown