EVENT: Gen Con 2012 YU-GI-Owning this Joint!

The King of Games took his rightful place at the throne at this year's Gen Con 2012!
By September 01, 2012


What would a gaming convention be without the King of Games? This year, Konami took itself directly to the players at Gen Con 2012, organizing its own event-spanning tournament for veterans AND fresh blood alike.

Konami’s immense Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG booth greeted con-goers the moment they stepped into the Exhibit Hall. There, Duelists could try their hand at Decade Duels on the Xbox 360, preview upcoming sets, and pit their Decks against the pros. A quick spin of the wheel would decide which Deck and which…challenge he or she would face during the match. To keep things interesting, of course. (Mwahaha!)

Konami’s booth also formed the base of SJ’s operation during our stay. From there, SJ Alpha editor John Bae offered yearly memberships where new members got to choose Number 16: Shock Master or Slifer the Sky Dragon to take home on the spot!

Deeper into the Exhibit Hall, Konami’s Yu-Gi-Oh! arena played host to Duelists who wanted to test their skills against each other. Under the watchful eyes of a giant Yuma balloon, the tournaments held were: Dragon Duels for Duelists born on or after 2000, XYZ Symphony Starter where Duelists played with the same Decks, Epic Dawn Sealed Packs and Drafts, and even Three-On-Three Duels.

Konami had some sweet prizes ready for the winners. Talented winners walked away with unique Duel mats, sheets of uncut rare cards, and even a giant foil rare! (Good luck fitting that one into a sleeve, though!) Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and we left Gen Con with the passion of so many Duelists renewing our spirits. This is Shonen Jump Alpha, signing off!

Join the SJ Alpha crew at our next SJ Fan Meet-Up at NYCC! Oct 11–14! More details coming soon!

Related Links:
SJ Fan Meet-ups
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Official Site

by Chris Turner